Last year was tough for me for one reason or another, but I've come through and out the other side with some great moments along the way! 2019 got off to a pretty rocky start for me! At New Year I was very poorly and in hospital with pneumonia having just had surgery to put an emergency feeding tube in! I'm pleased to say I've made a full recovery, but it has taken quite a while and I have been left with a lot of changes to get used to like being fed through a tube. Read my New Beginnings post for more on that, as it's not an easy thing to relive. The good news is that I have now been told my swallow has strengthened enough for me to have tasters of food! I won't be able to eat normally again, but it's better then nothing to at least taste things again. I actually now feel the best I've felt for a couple of years, which is the biggest benefit.
After a difficult start to last year I managed to do plenty of good things, including various photography projects! Back in the spring I started with several garden photo-shoots focusing on the cherry blossom, tulips and House Sparrows that visit my garden. This was a great way to get back to what I love after such a difficult time! The cherry blossom was really stunning and I couldn't resist getting my camera out, I think got some decent images. Tulips are also one of my favourite flowers so I didn't need any excuse to photograph them. It was getting some nice images of the House Sparrows though that meant the most to me. I've always wanted to be a wildlife photographer, but it has often seemed an unattainable goal so I found it really encouraging to know there's a way for me to get decent shots of garden birds. Hopefully I can put that into practice in other scenarios.

I've also been involved in two exhibitions, one for the church I go to, Holy Trinity, and one of my own work. The Connected by Arts exhibition at Holy Trinity gave the whole church the chance to share their artistic talents including my photography. It was great fun to be involved with and I enjoyed looking at everyone else's work seeing how their faith inspires their art. That's a topic close to my own heart, as my own work is all about sharing the beauty and wonder of God's creation with others! For my own exhibition I had some new work to show and I also re-showed some previous images that might have been overlooked. I also teamed up with Operation Christmas Child who provided lunch in aid of their shoe-box appeal. The event was successful I thought for both parties and it was great to know some of the proceeds where going to such a great cause!

I also as ever continued with my composing and in particular focused on rearranging my Barn Owl composition for full orchestra. I have now pretty much finished it which is exciting and I would love to have it played one day! It was quite an undertaking and by far one of the most ambitious things I've written so far. Another thing I've been working on is a carol I have been rearranging for string quartet, which is also nearly finished now. Completing that is my next composing priority.
So looking back there were plenty of highs and some difficult lows, but I'm now excited about what the new year will bring especially with my much improved health! I'm thankful for this blessing and may God also bless you richly in 2020!